We believe that every dog should have the chance to socialise,
have fun and be truly fulfilled throughout
their lives.
To give every dog an amazing experience
whilst in our care. We aim to give complete reassurance and piece of mind throughout
their time at Passion For Paws.
To be recognised across the UK for our first
class daycare centre. To continue to provide
our doggy parents with an unbeatable service
from start to finish.

Our Doggy daycare boasts from a fully fenced and secure field with just under an acre of fun, a heated indoor playroom with TVs (scooby doo on repeat of course) a chillout area and a feeding zone so that your beloved pooch can laze in the shade. Let’s not forget plenty of toys to play with!!
During our opening hours 6.00am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday, all fun activities are supervised by trained staff making sure that all members are happy and enjoying their day at the centre. We even provide daily report cards upon request so you can see exactly what your pooch as been up to.
Every morning our team pick up all their members in their pet friendly school buses before you have left for work and drive them straight to the centre. We start our pick ups earlier to avoid rush hour so your precious pooch spends the least amount of time in our school bus as possible. Giving them more hours of fun! Once we have arrived at the daycare, then the Fun really begins!
During the course of the day at daycare your dog will have the opportunity to embark on two 30 minute walks to enable them to get their paws into some new smells and even burn off some of their excess daily excitement. Here at Passion For Paws we believe that a tired pup is a happy pup.
The important thing, at Passion For Paws is to give all dog owner (parents) the piece of mind knowing that their dogs are having fun throughout the day. We achieve this by sending regular updates (Pictures & Videos) straight to your smart device. We even track our walks!
All Dogs are free to run around for as long as their heart desires and with a wide range of fun activities (sand pit/ paddling pool/agility courses etc) for them to get their paws into you will be rest assured that once home time comes they are ready for a long-awaited cuddle in front of the tv.
We also boast from an onsite dog grooming parlour for those who are in desperate need of a tidy up or even just a bit of pampering. We provide everything under one roof as we understand that convenience plays a huge part in people’s lives, so why make things harder for ourselves.
We already have a good relationship with all our members, so when it comes to making the first cut we are able to remove any anxiety from the situation and we always ensure that they come back to you looking a million dollars and smelling of roses.
We require all dogs to undertake an assessment by a member of our team to ensure your dog is suitable to join our club.

We believe by creating an enriching experience designed specifically for dogs, we will help improve their wellbeing, which enhances their relationship with their owner, resulting in happier people, happier dogs and a happier life!